Our mission in Singapore is toinspire and empower visionary leadersto embarkon a transformative journey,steering the course of creation and innovation, igniting a brighter futurefor society.
Professionals trained
Annual Professionals Trained
Corporate Clients Served
Annual Corporate Clients Served
0 Million +
Students taught
Micro-learning Users
$0 Billion
invested in startups
Invested in Startups
The GLOBIS Advantage
Our training is supported by industry experts, a venture capital ecosystem, and a curriculum focused on technology in business.
Practical for
Today’s Leaders
Practical for
Today’s Leaders
Gain the practical insight to drive impactful decisions. Pick from a variety of learning platforms and gain practical skills through interactive case discussions from global practitioners.
Technovate TM
Technovate TM
Lead with confidence in an age of uncertainty with our Technovate curriculum taught by tech industry experts.
Discover Your Kokorozashi
Discover Your Kokorozashi
To initiate change, you need strong conviction that comes from within. Our curriculum is centered around the Japanese concept of kokorozashi, which denotes that everyone has a unique purpose in life.
and Innovate
and Innovate
Think like an entrepreneur and realize your passion. Experience case studies from cutting-edge
businesses around the globe in addition to GLOBIS’s front-line experience as venture capitalists.
Global, Asian, and Japanese
Global, Asian, and Japanese
Become a global leader with cross-cultural intelligence. Our expertise in Asian and Japanese business allows us to provide insight on
operations and diversity management in these unique economies.
Leaders from Asia, Driving
Innovation Across Borders
To create a better society, we need leaders who are driven by kokorozashi - a personal mission - and are innovative and creative. As Southeast Asia's presence in the global economy continues to expand, its leaders are expected to show even greater initiative. This is where GLOBIS comes in - we work closely with companies that are localizing their operations in Southeast Asia, assisting them in executing their strategies and building their organizations.
In addition, our "Pre-MBA" course equips business professionals in Singapore with practical skills and a network for life. Our ultimate goal at GLOBIS is to create a society where Asian leaders can thrive and play an active role in shaping a better world, no matter where they are in the world.
CEO of GLOBIS Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd.
CEO of GLOBIS Asia Campus Pte. Ltd.
How We Contribute to
Asia as Japan’s No.1 MBA
Our journey began in 1992 in a small, rented classroom. Since then, we have been driven by the vision to foster management ecosystems of people, capital, and knowledge for creation and innovation in society.
In 2006, we opened GLOBIS University, which became the largest business school in Japan. At the same time, our Corporate Services Division has helped more than 3,800 companies with training programs/HRD solutions.
In Asia Pacific, we continue to commit to provide outstanding educational opportunities, and inspire kokorozashi-driven business leaders.
Founder and President, GLOBIS University
Managing Partner of GLOBIS Capital Partners
for individuals
for organizations
for individuals
Access a wide range of programs ranging from corporate training to open programs and digital platforms to help develop your next-generation global leaders, executives, management and staff members.
Full-time MBA
Upgrade your career with our accelerated, one-year MBA program in the heart of Tokyo.
Access a wide range of programs ranging from corporate training to open programs and digital platforms to help develop your next-generation global leaders, executives, management and staff members.
GLOBIS Unlimited
Obtain Unlimited Growth for your business and teams with our business microlearning platform